yes...i'm back from NPCC camp...the details are confidential and obtain highly classified stuff (at least for the sec4 ncos, TOs,OC, and CIs) therefore, YOU CAN'T READ IT...sad to say (and i'm sorry i didn't wake up for the firedrill nor did PT in the morning and slacked off during dry shoots)
and thanks to that, i have not completed all of my holiday homework, i haven't even done a proper questionaire to give to pastor....but i can do things now...i deleted lots of tiny couple mb worth of junk, and now i got only work left....
if you know my msn nickname, you would have known by now that i have relunctantly joined poots-ville.
i shall tell you the BRIEF-cum-timeline history of it:
last year /or the year before that/or the year before THAT year before that---TTS was officially sired as Sengapoots (sir if you insist on the
sired part)
in the not-too-distant-future-from-when-he-was-proclaimed-whateverpoots ---- TTS has officially changed from Sengapoots (sir) to s-poots (madam....JKJK, still sir)
Today (that is Sunday, the 19th of March 2006)------TTS/Sengapoots(sir)/S-poots(mdm...jkjk, sir) has annoucned that he is welcoming members of the church youth to join in his country/state/city/county/whatever you called it...officially, before 10.40 pm of today (i checked), already two members have enlisted into his ....pootship....; total of three members (including his royal poots-ness)
as of 10.41pm, there are three members; four when including his poots-jesty.
as of 10.42pm, poots-ter has come up with the idea of a pledge for the group...(if not, i'll threated to write a really corny one)
as of 10.49pm, i'm might start to reconsider this citizenship...i liked being a Singaporean
as of the time i finished this post, there is s-poots (his royal poots-ness/poots-jesty/poots-ter/sengapoots (sir)/tts), j-poots (should be pretty easy to guess), g-poots (another give-away guess) and d(t)-poots (who was formally known was Titus Leon/daienl/swordbearer aka the MIGHTY WEBMASTER OF CLASS 413 CORNELIUS)(it really isn't that glorious a job as i make it seems, i just like blowing these small things up, as long as it only harms me)
so hence forth, watch out, poots-ville is being created, sooner or later there will be a poots-ville newspaper, poots-ville government, poots-ville whatever...and you know what? we might have a poots-villian...assuming we got a poots-hero
so when i finish all the dy/dx questions for Adv math and my chinese and Language arts homework, i'll sit down and draw; and when i'm sick of that, i'll sit down and read, and when i'm really sick of those, i'll go see if dsong is organising a library studyclub-thingie again; and after that, MAYBE i'll sit down and write the pledge (if my parents ever order pizza again that is)
till then, anyone with poots in their names are officially not a poots-ville citizen as long as you have not reported to his poots-ies...
any reference to anything when using the word "poots" is COMPLETELY CONINCIDENTALLY, and not purposeful, do not read everything to seriously, i'm a joker when i'm not around the "jokers" of my class