sorry i've been away for a while, com had several minor errors that made a big mishap on the system usb and internet...
1. TOO MUCH DUST..can you believe that....this brought down the USB functions
2. after reformating, 5 VIRUSES cut my, i feel honoured and very pissed...
Question for readers : IF ANY OF YOU KNOW WHAT FDE.DLL is pls tell me, i want to know whether it = malware/spyware/whateverware or safe
now my com is completely "new" and as usual the only game i have is MAPLESTORY...(i don't like CS, WARCRAFT is becoming overrated, DOTA is a game that is WAYWAYWAY[times infinity] overrated)
ok...teachers' day, i still haven't recovery from the fact that i'm in a all-boys school, and half the guys are despos, 1/4 are almost gays,1/8 pretend to be normal and the remainder ARE normal
haven't seen any of my pri sch classmates...and i forgot that i'm still so short
saw mich usually, brain kicks in and says "loss of words..ACTIVATE"...i talk more online than anywhere else...
anyway, finally caught up with her, last time i saw her, i was around i'm 1.65+m, exactly same height as her...(which at that point zhen yi kept complaining that he was still very short)(1.62m isn't actually too short....but at least he's grown..he was shorter than me when i was at 1.33m)
hence there goes the nxt 3 hours looking around the old school, then go home and maple...after some homework