Sunday, March 09, 2008

nervous multicellular mass

ahhh...piano exam in two days!!!!fingers not working well, mind not focused, thinking about too many things, too many things on mind. ahhhhh!

i really can't mind keeps changing topics every other minute, making hard to really think about something. and not to mention several unimportant subjects (not talking about my studies-subjects) i really wish i wasn't as old as i am and that i was a bit more normal.

the irony of the term "everyone is special" is that the world makes it such that when being "special" is "in", everyone wants to be "in" that "special" and it ain't "unique" if you're not "in", then actually you're more "unique" than you think. wait...that didn't come out as well as i planned. crap, i can't even put together a meaningful statement anymore.

the thing is, i'm not considered in the "in/going" crowd (not to be confused with ingoing crowd who would be moving into a structure). i keep my senses aware(not to be mistaken with awake, cos i'm usually asleep), and yet i'm always out of the loop of information (not to be confused with THE LOOP or big whoop). every now and then i'm still acknowledged as being alive (no to be confused with a-hive), and i'm happy for that. so in a way, i'm not "special" as the world wants me to be, but that makes me different (in a way)...wait, that a paradox (but not your aorta)...arrrrghhhhh, circular arguments(not your intestines), loops of senseless information (not the loop of henle), the illogical logic(not your cerebrum).

AAAHHHH....can't stop thinking of bio cos that one of the big two textbooks sitting on my table, right next to big book number 2-chem)

man, i'm wacked. i really can't think straight...i need a can of tonic water (bwahahaha). maybe after a few cans, i can glow under UV light!(if you don't believe me, just check it out, quinine is fluorescent even in negligible amounts '' whether this work in humans, i have no idea.)


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