Wednesday, July 04, 2007

1st day after exams

back to school again...exams don't really count cos its not REALLY a full school day...anyway, celebrated the end of exams by going home and well...sleep...

happy belated bday Xiao Xiang...(though i don't anyone will actually know i said this)

been drawing a bit...improved a few sketches i'm working on....looks more like a female student now....haven't scanned to work hard

come up with a few minor details in my stories....still working out the errors or loopholes...

haven't really been doing any hw so now i'm way behind time

i discovered that all that reflection during the hols hurt my head a lot...came back to sch very anti-socially....anyway the classroom was too cold

so ya...gtg catch up to my hw...

ps...i'm so happy...i passed my first english language test since the year started....WEEEEEEEEE....15/25...a start....WEEEEEEEE

ppss...for readers...THIS POST IS A CONTRAST TO THE PREVIOUS ONE....notice the length difference the writer has deliberately made....this is to show the difference in times as the earlier one was written during the hols when time is a free resource and demand was low...however, now in school time, time is a scarce resource and the supply is low...demand however is high..hence the high price of time...time is but an extract of the limitation of dimension that we as 3-dimensional beings are hindered by...time is linear to us...but to a another being time is but already unfolded, and he is both at the beginning and at the end of time.....time flows not like the rushing river...but like an ocean in a storm....our actions are important now and in the past and in the future case no one got it...the double-p-double-s is actually a lit commentary with econs D&S, with some science and philosophy before ending in religiousness and game-ish (Prince of Persia)...


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