Monday, July 25, 2005

music crazy, flag crazy, uniform crazy, busy crazy

don't ask me i can be i know its not just something up for fun...cos it's so real, so real in my life, you picked me up and turned my universe around...

these few weeks have been one of the craziest and tiring weeks of my sec3 sch life, work till 1am, sleep less than usually, more energy used during the day

one: i have a bit crazy for music..especially since my bro just got himself an ipod, so i get his old mp3 player to put music in...pretty neat

two: i have become flagbearer for the npcc land unit of my school, tiring but much responsibility on the flagbearers cos we can't afford to screw every alternate day is a training for either the all the contingents or just the guard of honor or the flag bearers...and i'm the shortest flagbearer..and i learnt most of the commands in one my brain has been a bit fried...

third: basket ball, yay...3.14 found their class basket ball, time for regular sad my class only got four guys wanna play

fourth: uniform...ya, flagbearers got this really nice uniform called the " number 1"...only problem its kept in the NPCC to go all the way to there and back far...

fifth: i got work to be exact but i got no group...only just me and daniel song working on a 9-men project....a bit stressed out...but i bet you that we'll do a better job..(one reason is because that 9 men group have 7 slackers..)

and lets not forget no 6: CCA....compser is getting screwed many sec1s and 2s just wanna play....and all the seniors have no power...yet...if we get any form of power>>>>WAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA...they're in for a whipping of their many push ups can they do? lets find out!

i still spend majority of my time during very normal school stuff in school...sitting next to a guy who spend most of his awake time making crappy comments...sleeping in EVERY lesson..not scoring well, next to him is a guy who is the TOP in class...but he got problem in his head...cos he only talks to either shawn or binru...dao me lah...daniel song and louis are on the other end of class...kt is in front...henry is a bit far to talk too....i'm being accused of stupid things like distrubing class for just opening my mouth is put out a point in physics class...( hey, i'm not the slacker..i like the sciences...includes physics...not like the guy on my right ....hold day just RECESS and FOOTBALL and....nvm)

i have made a few names in class....for the teachers is "the hard working IT rep"...for shawn tan and bing xuan its " the damn-extra guy, spoil fun, dota loser"...(pls i don't even play dota or cs at you expect me to beat you who plays everyday and talks about it every second....) for some people like song and louis and henry and kt it's like " good friend" i miss something...i just can't remember what i actually miss...the fact that i can't knock some arrogant game manic face or the fact that i actually enjoy life a bit more now....i just can't seem to put my finger on it...

i for one want some time to talk to my friends from church...cos the lives of my friends from school are ok...its those guys from church that i feel that i have to help..they are a more crazy bunch of people...i shall not talk anymore


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